Шарипов, Э. О., Шодиев, С. Ю., & Рахмонов, Б. Н. (2021). БАЪЗИ БИР ТЕСКАРИ ТРИГОНОМЕТРИК ФУНКЦИЯЛАРНИ ЎЗ ИЧИГА ОЛГАН ТЕНГЛАМАЛАРНИ ЕЧИШ ҲАҚИДА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 516-521.

Author: Э.О. Шарипов, С.Ю. Шодиев, Б.Н. Рахмонов

Annotation: In this article, students develop the ability to find the radii of circles and solve equations containing inverse trigonometric functions.

Keywords: circle, radius, inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric substitutions, simplest trigonometric equations, equations containing inverse trigonometric functions.
