Shayusupova, A. I., & Ashurova, M. A. (2021). XITOY ADABIYOTI DARSLARIDA EDVARD DE BONONING “FIKRLASHNING OLTITA SHLYAPASI” USULIDAN FOYDALANISHNING SAMARALI YO ‘LLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special

Author: Shayusupova, Aziza Isfandiyarovna

Annotation: This article describes the peculiarities of teaching the subject of "Ancient Chinese legends" to students of Chinese studies through the 6-hat method of thinking, which is one of the modern pedagogical technologies.

Keywords: Pangu, Si-van-mu, Nyuyva goddess, pedagogical technology, 6 hat, Edward de Bono.
