Шермухамедова, Г. Т., & Таджиев, Б. М. (2021). КЛИНИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ЭНТЕРОВИРУСНОЙ (НЕПОЛИО) ИНФЕКЦИИ В СЕЗОН 2021 ГОДА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 64-68.

Author: Г.Т. Шермухамедова, Б.М. Таджиев

Annotation: Until now, the registration of the incidence of EVI in the Republic of Uzbekistan has not been conducted. 2021 saw a significant increase in the incidence of enterovirus infections. This article presents an analysis of the main manifestations of the epidemic process of Enterovirus infection in 2021. The characteristics of the clinical manifestations of non-poliomyelitis enteroviral diseases observed during this period are given. The features of the 2021 season are determined.

Keywords: enterovirus infection, non-polio enteroviruses, morbidity.
