Шеров, А. Б. (2021). ОЛИЙ ТАЪЛИМ МУАССАСАЛАРИНИ БЮДЖЕТ МАБЛАҒЛАРИ ҲИСОБИДАН МОЛИЯЛАШТИРИШНИ ТАКОМИЛЛАШТИРИШ ЙЎЛЛАРИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1121-1133.

Author: Шеров, Алишер Бакберганович

Annotation: The article examines the role of the education system in the development of the country's economy, in particular the system of higher education, sources of financing for higher education institutions, the cost of financing higher education in the state budget, their share in GDP, foreign experience in public financing of higher education, and the corresponding conclusions are drawn.

Keywords: State budget, education system, higher education, budget financing, GDP, financing mechanism, social sphere.
