Shirinova, F. I. (2022). XX ASRNING 80–YILLARIDA BUXORO VILOYATI IQTISODIYOTIDA YUZ BERGAN INQIROZIY HOLATNING IJIMOIY HAYOTGA TA’SIRI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 202-207.

Author: Shirinova, Firuza Inoyatovna

Annotation: This article, based on archival data, presents the flaws in the economy of our country in the 80 s, the reasons for their occurrence, as well as the negative impact of the economic crisis on social life. Moreover, the causes of the crisis situation in industru, agriculture, the cultural sphere and public education are highlighted on the example of the Bukhara region.

Keywords: industry, economy, education, cattle breeding, plan, crisis, administrative command.
