Shoyusupova, H. B. Q., O‘G‘Li, M. X. E., Jusipbayevna, I. A., Qizi, A. O. S., & Ro‘Zmatovich, B. B. (2021). CHINIQTIRISH OSTIDA MAKTABGACHA YOSHDAGI BOLALARDA JISMONIY ISSIQLIK ALMASHINUVINI O ‘ZGARISHLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, n

Author: Shoyusupova, Hadichaxon Bobirxon qizi; Maxammatqulov, Xusanboy Erkin o‘g‘li; Ilyasova, Aygul Jusipbayevna;Atamuratova, Oybarchin Saparbay qizi;Bobodjonov, Begzod Ro‘zmatovich

Annotation: The living conditions of a modern person make increased demands on his health. At present, the search for means that contribute to an increase in the body's resistance to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors among and the prevention of colds is becoming especially relevant. Particular attention should be paid to this issue at preschool age, since during this period the processes of the formation of the child's body are intensively going on, and his health is laid. One of the main means that affects a number of body systems, as well as the prevention of colds, is hardening, which is of great socio-economic importance.

Keywords: microclimate, comfortable condition, inflammation, hardening, exercise, health, water baths.
