Шукурлаев, А. Х. У. (2021). РАСПРЕДЕЛЕННЫЕ ОБЛАЧНЫЕ ДАТА-ЦЕНТРЫ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 635-650.

Author: Шукурлаев, Амирбек Худоиназар угли

Annotation: The rapid development of ultra-wideband communication networks, the creation of software-defined networks (SDNs) with separation of data transmission and network element management layers, as well as the development of other cloud computing technologies have spawned many new methods of creating and managing data. centers (data centers). , data centers). These methods can significantly improve the parameters of traditional data centers, fully realize the capabilities of their equipment, improve the architecture of the data center network in accordance with the requirements of the industry, as well as reduce investment, deployment time, and energy consumption. consumption, increase the use of existing resources and solve the problem of system isolation. In this article, the author dwells in detail on the problems and topics discussed above.

Keywords: data centers, SDN (software defined network), cloud computing, IT systems and others.
