
Author: Yuldoshev, Dilmurod Tura o’g’li; Pirnazarov G’ulomjon Farxadovich

Annotation: In this article, general concepts of the fields of material resistance and theoretical mechanics, information about priority issues of compressed booms, in particular, the use of Euler's method in determining the critical strength of a compressed boom and the application areas of Euler's formula, critical stresses, the method of fixing boom ends, practical calculation of priority formulas, limits of use of Euler's formula, Yasinsky's empirical formula, F.R. Shanley's theory, non-central force, calculation of a compressed flexible column, practical calculation of compressed struts, longitudinal - transverse deflections, issues of consideration of the effect of displacement in determining the critical force analyzed. The role of the science of mechanics and resistance of materials in the fields of transport and construction, and the importance of priority issues have been widely explained. A number of suggestions on the practical application of priority issues of steering to students studying in engineering fields have been given.

Keywords: stability problem, priority of structure, longitudinal bending, Quebec bridge, suspended beam, Euler's method, moment of inertia, elasticity of the stern, empirical formula, Yasinsky module, relative and random extensities.

Pages in journal: 61 - 71
