
Author: Mustafayev, Ulash Utayevich

Annotation: In the era of globalization and the pandemic that swept the world in the 1920s, it is becoming more and more difficult to correct and, more precisely, to cultivate belief in material and spiritual values. In the East, including in Movarounnahr, religious education has been the focus of parents' speeches, the scholarly works of thinkers, and parents in neighborhoods and families. It was only during the former Soviet government that the process took a one-sided approach, showing disrespect for religious beliefs. Secular beliefs were also misinterpreted. It is no secret that since the first revelation of Islamic spirituality in the fourteenth century, man has been calling for perfection in secular and religious beliefs. This practice and worldview are an indicator of the moral qualities of citizens in the society: loyalty to the Motherland, entrepreneurship, will, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking and diligence. A person’s actions and worldview are determined and developed by enlightenment.

Keywords: faith, perfection, the concept of continuous spiritual education, Patriotism, entrepreneurship, willpower, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking, diligence, indicator.
