Solayev, S. S., & Atajanov, M. K. (2021). MULTIMODAL TASHISH TEXNOLOGIYALARI INNOVATSION INFRATUZILMALARI HISOBIGA SHAHAR KO’CHA-YO’L TARMOQLARI YUKLANISHINI BOSHQARISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 87-

Author: Solayev, Sarvar Sardarovich; Atajanov, Maxmud Kenjabayevich,

Annotation: The article provides for the enrichment of the traffic flow on the streets of the city due to the new infrastructure, that is, the organization of various types of passenger traffic, including bicycle routes, using the congestion factor of the city street network (SHKIT). Enrichment of urban transport. logistics network through the integration of transport infrastructure and the introduction of multimodal transport technologies. The problems of overcrowding the urban public transport network (PTS) during peak hours and reduced waiting times for passengers, as well as door-to-door transportation provide a variety of services that the population is comfortable spending less time on. in SHC. The use of vehicles, including bicycles, is addressed by their optimal placement. This will increase passenger traffic in line with transport service standards.

Keywords: route network, convenience, innovative infrastructure, logistics capacity, cycling, efficiency, popularity, security.
