Subhonqulov, I., Xomitov, S. A., & Abduvasiyev, S. B. (2022). Fe85-xCrxB15 (x= 8: 15) AMORF QOTISHMALAR SISTEMASINING TRANSPORT XOSSALARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 285-287.

Author: Subhonqulov, I.; Xomitov, Sh.A.; Abduvasiyev, S.B.

Annotation: In this work, the results of the magnetization of the amorphous alloy Fe85-xCrxB15(x=8:15) and the temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient are presented. Based on the experimental results obtained, the relationship between the anomalous Hall coefficient and the specific electrical resistance r and magnetization was studied and showed that the Kondorsky-Vedyaev theory for ferromagnetic crystal samples could also be applied to the amorphous state.

Keywords: Curie temperature, Hall coefficient, Anomalous Hall coefficient, normal Hall coefficient, Kondorsky-Vedyaev theory, asymmetric scattering.
