Author: Qarshiboyev, Jasurbek Komiljon o‘g‘li
Annotation: This article is aimed at legally improving the adjudication of land-related legal relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It provides a detailed analysis of the specificities of land disputes in court and how these differ from other types of cases. The article explores the complexity of land disputes, the observed trend of increasing numbers of such disputes, and the frequent connection of these disputes to decisions made by state executive authorities. It also highlights the importance of land as both a natural and economic asset, which necessitates studying the experiences of foreign countries in resolving such disputes. In order to improve the adjudication of land-related legal matters, the article emphasizes the need to study the legal practices of countries where land-related legal relations have been well developed over centuries, and how adopting similar legal mechanisms could yield effective results in Uzbekistan. In many developed countries, specialized land courts have proven to be an effective way of regulating land-related legal relations. Based on this experience, the article discusses the pros and cons of establishing specialized land courts within the framework of civil courts.
Keywords: land disputes, specialization of courts, land courts, dispute resolution, lease rights, land plots.
Pages in journal: 247 - 259