Author: Ikanova, Lazokat Sultonnazir qizi
Annotation: Society is considered the pillar of every country, and different people can be found in it. Among them, as well as patriotic people with exemplary behavior, we also meet some criminals and people with negative character. However, just as everyone has their own rights in society, criminals, that is, convicted persons, also have their own rights. The task of the state is to guide people who have lost their way to the right path, and to develop their thinking and educate them to become people who have their own place in our society and benefit the state. Many developed countries of the world have conducted research in this field and found that education is of great importance in the implementation of the above-mentioned tasks. In particular, although very little work has been done in this field in our country, it is time to study this field and its unsolved problems. Prevention of crime and the prevention of repeated crimes by convicted persons will increase the development of society and provide people with a comfortable life. In this article, you will get acquainted with measures aimed at improving the education of convicted persons (persons on probation and those in prisons), as well as measures to prevent re-offending. Also in the article you will get acquainted with the experience of the USA and you can meet the reaction of researchers and scientists to this experience.
Keywords: convicted persons, probation process, education, prison, recidivism, crime prevention, foreign languages, society.
Pages in journal: 433 - 439