Сулаймонов, И. И. (2021). АНАЛИЗ МНЕНИЙ БАБУРА О ШЕЙБАНИХАНЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 578-588.

Author: Сулаймонов, Исроил Исомиддинович

Annotation: This article is devoted to the disclosure of the personality, life, spiritual state of Shaybanikhan in “Baburname”. It discusses the objective evaluation of the activity of Shaybanikhan given by Babur. In particular, it is analyzed the atrocities of Shaybanikhan over the house of Huseyn Baykara. It is also disclosed that even if Shaybanikhan is considered a winner from the outside, but defeated with spiritual.

Keywords: Babur, “Baburname”, Mukhammad Khaydar, Huseyn Baykara, Shaybanikhan, psychological picture, historical victory, spiritual vanquishing
