Султанов, Н. А., Мирзажонов, З., Юсупов, Ф. Т., & Ахмаджонов, М. Ф. (2021). СВОЙСТВА УРОВНЕЙ СКАНДИЯ В КРЕМНИИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 379-385.

Author: Султанов Н.А, Мирзажонов З, Юсупов Ф.Т., Ахмаджонов М. Ф.

Annotation: Scandium is an element of the III group of the periodic system. The properties of silicon doped with scandium have practically not been studied. Silicon was doped with scandium by the diffusion method from a sprayed layer of scandium or from a ScCl3 solution applied to the surface of the plates.

Keywords: diffusion, photocapacity, photoionization, deep centers, optical transitions
