Suyunov, A. M., & Muxammadieva, M. U. B. Q. (2021). TASHQI IQTISODIY FAOLIYATDA IQTISODIY XAVFSIZLIKNI TA’MINLASHNING AYRIM JIHATLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 136-147.

Author: Suyunov Abdunor Miltikbaevich, Muxammadieva Moxinur Ulug‘bek qizi

Annotation: Protecting the economic interests of the State within its competence and ensuring its economic security is the main function of the customs service. Ensuring economic security in foreign economic activity includes such issues as the fight against smuggling and violation of customs rules, prevention of illegal currency transactions, replenishment of the state budget through timely and correct collection of customs duties. This article discusses some areas of ensuring economic security in foreign economic activity.

Keywords: economic security, threats, foreign economic activity, customs authorities, customs procedures, customs duties, currency transactions, anti-smuggling, shadow economy, digital economy, digital customs.
