Tadjiyeva, M. D. (2021). PHRASEOLOGICAL TYPES OF CONTEXTUAL LEXICAL MEANINGS EXPRESSED IN COMPOUNDS. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 158-167.

Author: Tadjiyeva, Mokhirakhon Djaxongirovna

Annotation: Lexical meaning changes both qualitatively and quantitatively during the development of language. On this basis, lexical meanings can be divided into two groups: current lexical meaning and previous lexical meaning. The field that studies modern lexical meaning is called descriptive lexicology. Current lexical meanings are classified from several points of view as main meaning and derivative meaning, proper meaning and figurative meaning, nominative (nominative) meaning, and figural (figurative) meaning.

Keywords: Polysemantic units, semantic components, unambiguous, methodology, lexical unit, phraseological units, positive or negative attitude, assimilation lexeme, national colorit in phrases.
