Tasavvuf va so‘fiy tushunchalarining qiyosiy tahlili, 15-24

Author: Raxmonberdiev Islombek Ilhom o‘g‘li

Annotation: In this research work it is expedient to reveal the importance of mysticism in the formation of spiritual and moral education of today's younger generation and a comparative analysis of the concepts of "Sufism" and "Sufi" in the process of its application in practice. In terms of the importance of mysticism today and its formation on the basis of the teachings of the Islamic world, the concepts of mysticism and Sufism have been discussed.

Keywords: Shari'a, knowledge, ethics, education, Sufism, Ibn al-Arabi, "Fusus ul-Hikam", "Futuhot ul-Mak-kiya" William K. Chittik, Sufi (mystic), philosophy of theology, researcher.
