Tashmatova, R. V., Ruziev, I. X., & Tog’Ayeva, M. A. (2021). KIMYO DARSLARIDA ISHBILARMONLIK OYINLARIDAN FOYDALANISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 153-158.

Author: Tashmatova, Rahima Vahobovna; Ruziev, Ilyos Xakimovich; Tog’ayeva, Maftuna Akramovna

Annotation: This article discusses the didactic conditions for the use of business games in chemistry lessons, ie the gradual development of activities in the business game, the need for conflict situations for the game, taking into account the interaction of students during the game, There is information about the need to control the time of the game, the presence of elements of competition in the game, the need to evaluate the results of the game.

Keywords: business, conflict, competition, didactic, innovation, technology, communication, skill.
