Author: Khalilova, Yulduz Nasriddinovna
Annotation: Identifying the target tasks of specialized learners via needs analysis (NA) is a crucial first step in language programs design. In Uzbekistan, schools that deliver vocational education and training (VET) programs in agriculture often use English language programs which are generally not designed based on the target language needs of this specialized group of students. This paper presents a needs analysis that explored the English language requirements of agricultural technicians in Uzbekistan. It also examined how these needs are perceived by actors involved in agricultural industries and actors involved in the education of this group. Using a qualitative approach, data were elicited from document analysis and interviews with five technicians at one company and five teachers at one VET school. Findings revealed that English language was necessary for technicians to carry out specific tasks. All teachers agreed that their students should be taught not only general English, but also English that is relevant to the students' interests and needs. However, the non-existence of vocational language programs makes it difficult for English teachers to teach the contents pertinent to their students’ specialization. This study contributes to an understanding of the relevance of the English language for learners in a specialized context.
Keywords: English language; Needs analysis (NA); Vocational education and training (VET); Agricultural technicians/professionals
Pages in journal: 420 - 425