Tog’Ayeva, S. (2021). ATOYI SHE’RINING LUTFI…. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 941-946.

Author: Tog’ayeva, Shaxnoza

Annotation: In Uzbek classical poetry, there are images such as Arif and Sahib Irfan, which were used by poets to describe divine love. In the dictionaries of mysticism, especially in Giyas ul-lughat, "arif" means the possessor of gnosis, the one who understands and recognizes. From the point of view of the Sufis, knowledge is superior to knowledge because it is a gift from Allah. Arif is the one who perceives the witness, the sky and the attributes of Allah, who transcends the abstract and exists with the Existence of the Truth. Arif is, in fact, the possessor of divine knowledge. The master of both religious and secular sciences, Arif lives in the dream of the beauty of Allah, understands his qualities and lives with acquaintance. He is the one who has learned the science of attaining the truth and has been able to pass it on to others. Classical poets wrote orifona ghazals, trying to describe the whole of their love, reflecting the divine world in their poems. He described the state of a lover who was aware of the qualities of the truth, who called him his only companion and who underwent beautiful rites in order to attain his guardianship. The poet Atoi, who created beautiful poems in classical poetry, also enriched his work with "arif" poems. When his work is studied, the poet absorbs the content of the Qur'an and hadiths in his poems. Quotes from sacred sources. It expresses complex meanings in Sufi terms such as may, goblet, tavern, zulfu hol, eyebrow, eye, waist, zunnor, idol. In this article, we will explore the ideas of the beautiful poems of Mevlana Atoi.

Keywords: Arif, Sufism, N. Kamilov, Orifona Ghazal, Atoyi, Navoi, Zahid, Yor, Horud, Sarv.
