Tojimatov, R., & Tojimatova, M. (2021). MUHAMMAD YUSUF SHE’RLARIDA VATAN KONSEPTI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 251-255.

Author: Tojimatov, R.;Tojimatova, M.

Annotation: Based on the poet's poems, the article analyzes the problem of the concept of the Motherland in the poems of Muhammad Yusuf. Based on examples, it has been established that the poet's hymn "Homeland" in his poems "Vatan", "Vatanim" is expressed in a unique style.

Keywords: concept, way of expression, form and content, phonetic style, linguistic unity, art, rhythm, metaphor, methodology, "Vatan", "Vatanim".
