Tolaboyev, D. X. (2021). KRISTALL PANJARADA ATОMLАR BIR O’LCHАMLI ZАNJIRINING TЕBRАNISHLARINI TEKSHIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 141-150.

Author: Tolaboyev, D.X.

Annotation: The displacement of crystal atoms relative to each other and to equilibrium states creates a force that returns the internally displaced atom to equilibrium. If the relative displacements are small, then we limit the internal force to the displacement relative to the displacement and to the linear limit relative to the displacement. In this case, the crystal lattices are represented using a system of linear differential equations. Such a system of equations has a strange property, that is, if there are several solutions to the equation, then their sum can also be its solution. This means that the sum of two or more oscillations is also an oscillation. In order to make a physical analysis of this type of oscillation, we will next examine the oscillations of one-dimensional crystal lattices, that is, one-dimensional chains of atoms.

Keywords: elementary lattice, one-dimensional crystal, oscillation, harmonic oscillation, dispersion, wave vector, wavelength, chemical bond.
