Толибов, Б. И., & Хасанов, А. С. (2021). ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ОСНОВНЫХ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ НИЗКОТЕМПЕРАТУРНОГО ОБЖИГА МОЛИБДЕНОВЫХ КЕКОВ ПОСЛЕ СОДОВОГО ВЫЩЕЛАЧИВАНИЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 824-831.

Author: Толибов, Бехзод Иброхимович; Хасанов, Абдурашид Салиевич

Annotation: The article deals with the theory of low-temperature roasting of cakes of molybdenum production to improve the extraction of molybdenum from sulfide-containing concentrates. The objects of the study were cinders of molybdenum production middlings, molybdenum-containing concentrates, dusts of oxidative firing of molybdenum cakes and cinders after firing molybdenum cakes. In the experiments, the parameters of low-temperature firing and the effect on the extraction of the main element were investigated.

Keywords: cinder, sulfides, molybdenum, cake, soda leaching, oxidative roasting, concentrate, desulfurization, oxidation state.
