To‘Raev, L. A. O. G. L., & Nizomova, N. Q. (2021). MAHMUD ZAMAXSHARIYNING “RABI’AL-ABROR” ASARIDA IJTIMOIY, AXLOQIY VA FALSAFIY MASALALAR TALQINI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 266-273.

Author: To‘raev, Laziz Abdivali O‘g‘li; Nizomova, Nigora Qosimjonovna

Annotation: Mahmud Zamakhshari, the "Fakhru Khorezm", has written more than 80 works that are important for future generations. One of them is “Rabi’ al-Abrar”, which covers a wide range of areas of society and is large in size. Mahmud Zamakhshari in “Rabi’ al-Abrar” successfully used many quotations on nature, society, medicine, flora and fauna. This article translates and analyzes some of the social, moral, and philosophical quotations of the Arabic, Persian, and Greek philosophers cited in the work.

Keywords: Social, philosophical, moral, quote, virtue, friendship, mutazilism, wisdom, wealth, intelligence, science, anger, rage, generosity.
