Toshqobilov, U. S., & Xoliqulov, A. H. (2021). AMIR SAYYID OLIMXONNING ROSSIYAGA KIRITGAN KAPITALLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 936-940.

Author: Toshqobilov, Umid Sharofiddinovich; Xoliqulov, Asliddin Habibulloyevich

Annotation: The life and destiny of Amir Sayyid Alimkhan were closely connected with Russia. At the age of 13, at the request of his father, he studied at a military academy in St. Petersburg for three years (1894-1897). Learned Russian. He studied public administration and military education on the basis of a special program.

Keywords: Amir Sayyid Alimkhan, investment, production, emirate, railways, Bukhara bank.
