Тураев, Т. Т., Топволдиев, А. A., Рубидинов, Ш. Ғ., & Жайратов, Ж. Ғ. (2021). ПАРАМЕТРЫ И ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ШЕРОХОВАТОСТИ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 124-132.

Author: Тураев Т.Т., Топволдиев А.A., Рубидинов Ш.Ғ., Жайратов Ж.Ғ.

Annotation: The paper provides information on the standards for the surface roughness of machine parts obtained by cutting metals and gives a recommendation for considering the characteristics after mechanical processing by the method of surface plastic deformation.

Keywords: roughness, profile, surface, metal, standard, profilogram.
