Turgunboeva, D. A. K. (2022). ANALYZING ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING NEEDS IN ESL CLASSROOM. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 248-256.

Author: Turgunboeva, Dilnoza Akmal Kizi

Annotation: Needs analysis is an important means of conducting research prior to designing and evaluating lessons/materials/syllabus and it helps draw a profile of students/course in order to determine and prioritize the needs for which students require English (Richards et al, 1992). This paper presents a needs analysis project we have developed for the English as a second language learners at Uzbekistan state world language university. Our needs analysis project aims at investigating students’ needs and expectations from English courses with regard to technological resources both for in-class and out-of-class activities, supplementary materials for both in-class and out-of-class activities, assessment and evaluation techniques, and teacher-student interaction.

Keywords: learning strategies, authentic materials, overgeneralization, principle eclecticism.
