Author: Инагамова, М. М.; Жўрабоев, Н. Ю.
Annotation: This article emphasizes the place of Eastern women in the political life of the country, their participation in public administration, the ability to find the right solutions to political issues, which allowed them to be advisers to rulers and at the same time to be loyal, intelligent, and learned, which is confirmed by numerous historical sources.
Keywords: history, politics, Turkestan, “History of Bukhara”, Ibn Arabshah, Nizamiddin Shami, Shamsiddin Kamoliddin, Amir Temur, Bibikhanum, Gavharshadbegim, Khanzadabegim, Gulbadanbegim, Nurjahanbegim, Arjumanbanu, Mokhchuchukbegim, Turkan Ogabegim, Sultan Bakhtbegim, Rabia Sultanbegim, , Nadirabegim, Kurbanjon dodhoh
Pages in journal: 78 - 90