Tursunov, A. (2021). MASHRAB SHE’RIYATIDA O ‘ZLIKNI ANGLASH YO ‘LI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 189-196.

Author: Abdurashid Tursunov

Annotation: In this article, the identity in Mashrab's poetry, the overcoming of lust, and the state of the lover in the Way of Truth are still studied through a radial ghazal analysis. While commenting on this ghazal, the author makes a special study of most of the words used in the ghazal. In revealing the content of the ghazal text, it seeks to perfectly comprehend the scope of the meanings they convey. Looking at the roots of the names of individuals who have become a particular symbol in Eastern literature, defining the artistic function of place names, explaining and substantiating them based on important sources, paved the way for a correct explanation of the inner meaning of the ghazal. In this ghazal analysis, the lyrical protagonist's understanding of the subtleties of Mashrab's way of life, personality and spiritual world helped him to correctly imagine the external and internal world, to understand his "state". The intention of the creator is to explain the essence of the ghazal in the balance of images, art and visual aids, and the harmony of ideas and art in Mashrab's poetry is determined. Most importantly, the artistic interpretation of mystical ideas in Mashrab’s work has been studied on the basis of the symbols in the text of the ghazal and the sources devoted to the theoretical issues of this doctrine. The focus is on the essence of mystical terms, their most subtle meanings. Mashrab studied the poetic language of this ghazal, the melodious rhythm-style in the expression of painful verses. In general, the role of Mashrab as a great poet in the history of our literature, the importance of the poet's poetry is shown through this ghazal analysis.

Keywords: ghazal, poet, meaning, fine arts, means of imagery, poetic language, mystical meaning, theoretical source, mystical content and artistic harmony, interpretation and analysis.
