Tursunov, I. G., & Odilov, Y. J. R. (2021). FIZIKADAN LABORATORIYA ISHINI BAJARISHDA YANGI VA NOAN’ANAVIY USLUBLARDAN FOYDALANISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 442-445.

Author: Tursunov, Ikromjon Gulamjonovich; Odilov, Yorqin Jo‘rayevich

Annotation: This article describes the methods of correct choice of active methods and adequate explanation of the problem in the conduct of laboratory classes in physics for students of higher education institutions. The issues of ensuring the student's ability to plan laboratory work in physics and the choice of non-traditional methods are covered by the teacher.

Keywords: interactive, technology, training, respondent, non-traditional, individual, optimal
