Tursunov, J. (2022). TA’LIMIY LUG ‘AT YARATISH TAMOYILLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 384-393.

Author: Tursunov, Jahongir

Annotation: Lexicography deals with the development of the scientific basis of dictionary compilation, the study of ways of compiling a dictionary, the development of methods for its creation, the substantiation of the language of dictionaries that can meet the requirements of modern development. The practice of lexicography involves organizing specific work, determining the vocabulary of each language, writing and arranging the words in the language in a card index, and compiling the necessary dictionaries on the basis of these files.

Keywords: Educational dictionaries, lexicography, Uzbek and world lexicography, the importance of educational dictionaries in teaching the native language, the principles of creating educational dictionaries.
