Tursunova, O. F., & Berdimurodova, X. A. Q. (2021). GENDER TENGLIKNI TA’MINLASHDA XOTIN-QIZLAR HUQUQLARINING TA’MINLANISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 812-815.

Author: Tursunova, Olmos Fayziyevna; Berdimurodova, Xumora Abdunazar qizi

Annotation: The article examines the rights and freedoms of women, equal assessment of male and female labor, equal incentives, elimination of any discrimination against women, as well as the attention and conditions created for women in the modern world.

Keywords: democratic rule of law, strategy of action, political rights, equality, healthy environment, pillar of society.
