Umarjonov, S. S. O. G. L. (2021). IJTIMOIY–GUMANITAR FANLARNI O ‘QITISHDA FAHRIDDIN ROZIYNING ONTOLOGIK QARASHLARINING O ‘RNI VA AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 1029-1038.

Author: Umarjonov, Soxibjon Soyibjon o‘g‘li

Annotation: In this article examines the importance of teaching social sciences in educational institutions and raising it to the level of public policy on the basis of various sources. Also Fakhriddin Razi's works on social sciences in Arabic and Persian were analyzed.

Keywords: National and universal values, national spirituality, “Strategy of New Uzbekistan”, “Spirituality”, “Professional ethics”, creature, truth, theoretical philosophy, practical philosophy, universe, wadjib ul-vudjud, mumkin ul-vudjud, M.N. Boltaev, time and space
