Умарова, Д. А. (2021). ВАЖНЫЕ И АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ МОДЕРНИЗАЦИИ ГОСУПРАВЛЕНИЯ В СТРАТЕГИИ ДЕЙСТВИЙ ПО ПЯТИ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯМ РАЗВИТИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН В 2017-2021. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 421-430.

Author: Умарова, Дилорам Арифовна

Annotation: This article is devoted to the analysis of the issues of reforming public administration in the Action Strategy for five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017–2021. For the first time in the years of Independence, issues of improving public administration have found their direct reflection in the country's medium-term development strategy.

Keywords: Administrative reform - transformations in the system of executive authorities with the aim of creating a really functioning single system of executive power, working in an "automatic mode" in the interests of society. Public service is the professional activity of citizens in government bodies and their apparatuses, carried out on a constitutional basis and aimed at the implementation of public administration, the implementation of other tasks and functions of the state. Public services - a service provided by public authorities and in cases established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
