Umarova, G. (2021). “SADDI ISKANDARIY” DOSTONIDA ISKANDAR KIM EDI?. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 328-334.

Author: Umarova, Gulmalika

Annotation: In the classical literature of the East, there are traditional images that are repeated in stories, legends, epics and in examples of creation in general, which were known and popular among all. One such image is the image of Alexander the Great. Alexander is mentioned in the literature and history books of the Near and Middle East as Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great, and Alexander the Great.

Keywords: In oriental classical literature, Alexander the Great, Alexander Rumi, Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great, Alisher Navoi, Saddi Iskandarii, epos.
