Author: Karjavuv, Gʻolib Azamat oʻgʻli
Annotation: This article discusses the pedagogical ideas related to the life and work of the great Uzbek figure, great poet, thinker Alisher Navoi. It is noted that his works created more than six centuries ago contain valuable ideas for the education of today's youth and future generations. His life and work serve as the main method of education for all pedagogues and teachers, as well as parents. This article examines the pedagogical ideas in the life and work of the great Uzbek figure, great poet, thinker Alisher Navoi. It is noted that his works, created more than six centuries ago, contain very valuable ideas for educating today's youth and future generations. His life and work serve as the main method of education for all pedagogues and teachers, as well as parents.
Keywords: lyric poet, "Farhad and Shirin", "Layli and Majnun", "Seven Planets", "Iskandar", anthroponomy, taboo, family relations, cultural norms.
Pages in journal: 407 - 412