Umurzakova, H. H., Atabayev, I. X. O. G. L., Tursunov, T. D. O. G. L., Ortiqova, E., & Xoldarova, S. (2021). BIRINCHI VA TO’RTINCHI MAVSUMDA YETISHTIRILGAN PILLALAR QOBIG ‘INING XUSUSIYATLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and soc

Author: Halima Habibullayevna Umurzakova; Izzatbek Xayibay o’g’li Atabayev; Temur Dilshod o‘g‘li Tursunov; E’zoza Zokirjon qizi Ortiqova; Xoldarova Sevara

Annotation: This article examines the geometric dimensions, thickness, strength, density and porosity of the cocoon shell of the first and fourth seasons of the Chinese hybrid cocoons grown at the Department of Silk Technology. The shell properties of cocoon hybrids grown in the first season were found to be higher than those in the fourth season. The results of the study are presented in tables and figures. The first season of the study revealed the possibility of obtaining high quality raw silk from cocoon hybrids.

Keywords: cocoon, raw silk, raw material, shell, hardness, thickness, density, porosity, strength, eveness, hybrid.
