Uralov, D. (2021). TALABA-YOSHLAR ONGIDA MA’NAVIY BO’SHLIQNI TO ‘LDIRISHDA MAFKURAVIY IMMUNITETNI SHAKLLANTIRISHNING AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 962-966.

Author: Uralov, Dilshodbek

Annotation: The article emphasizes the importance of raising the morale of young people, filling the spiritual gap in the consciousness of students today, forming the foundations of a healthy worldview in their thinking and educating young people in the spirit of love for the Motherland and respect.

Keywords: Youth and spirituality, national spirituality, ideology, national idea, types of ideology, forms of ideology, national ideology, ideology of national independence, basic ideas of national independence.
