Қурбонов, Б. (2022). “МАЖОЛИС УН-НАФОИС” ВА “ЛАТОЙИФНОМА” ТАЗКИРАЛАРИДА ЗУЛЛИСОНАЙНЛИК АНЪАНАСИ ИФОДАСИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 50-57.

Author: Қурбонов, Бобур

Annotation: The article deals with the expression of the bilingual tradition in the anthologies “Mazholis un-nafois” (Collection of the Chosen Ones) and “Latojifnoma”. It is known that bilingualism is one of the most important traditions in the literature of the Turkic and Persian peoples. Our literature provides information about many poets who wrote in Turkish and Persian. The bilingual tradition in “Mazholis un-nafois” and “Latoyifnoma” refers mainly to the works of poets and writers who wrote mainly in Persian and Turkish. Because these two tazkira (anthology) contain information about the poets who wrote in these two languages. “Mazholis un-nafois” mentions the names of more than 480 poets and writers who wrote in Persian and Turkish, among which there are poets who wrote in both languages. In addition to the poets “Majolis un-nafois”, “Latoifnoma” mentions more than 190 poets, many of whom are famous bilingual poets.

Keywords: Bilingual, tazkira, "Mazholis un-nafois", "Latoifnoma", Nava'i, Fahri, Persian, Turkish, source, manuscript.
