Author: Ибодуллаев, Сайидкомил Бекпулат угли
Annotation: This article examines the key lessons that can be learned from the experiences of countries that have undergone the process of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Particular attention is paid to the difficulties and threats faced by developing economies that remain outside the WTO trading system. The analysis shows that acceding countries face many difficulties in aligning domestic policies and legislation with WTO commitments, as well as in coping with the economic costs of liberalization. However, WTO membership also offers benefits such as improved market access and institutional reforms. For non-members, continued exclusion from the global rules-based trading system threatens to undermine competitiveness and slow economic growth. The article argues that with proper reform planning and the use of technical assistance, developing countries can benefit in the long term from WTO accession, despite the inevitable difficulties of the process.
Keywords: World Trade Organization (WTO); accession; developing countries; trade liberalization; reforms
Pages in journal: 392 - 399