
Author: Гисаров, Фарход

Annotation: This article discusses the methods used in teaching Uyghur medical terms. Education based on the organization of action based on mutual cooperation of the participants of the technical education process in order to acquire knowledge, skills, competences and certain moral qualities. In order to better remember the Uyghur names of medicinal plants, these methods are used in the teaching process, and the teacher invites the learner to actively participate. The learner is involved throughout the process. This concept is explained when referring to the researches of scientists who explained the technical-active principle and used it as a scientific term. In contrast to traditional education, technical-active education is organized on the basis of "cooperation between the main participants of the educational process - a teacher, a student and a group of students, having the opportunity for intense discussion and exchange of ideas, in which they can think freely, express their personal views without hesitation , problematic it is characterized by joint search for solutions in situations, creation of mutual closeness of students in mastering educational materials, mutual respect, understanding and support of "teacher-student-group of students", sincere relationship, achievement of spiritual unity". At the same time, today, in language learning, listening comprehension, listening, etc., speech activities are giving positive results in learning using audio materials, computers and other technical tools. Logical and systematic thinking skills are developed. The lack of evaluation of the expressed opinions leads to the increase of different opinions among the learners. This method serves to develop creative thinking in students.

Keywords: Technical methods, Uyghur language, Internet education, reading and writing, didactic games, monologic and dialogic speech, audio and video sets, case study, round table method, interactive methods.

Pages in journal: 281 - 287
