Узаков, О. Х. (2021). СУЩНОСТЬ НЕКОТОРЫХ ФИЗИЧЕСКИХ НАУЧНЫХ ПОНЯТИЙ И ОБЛАСТИ ИХ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 133-143.

Author: Узаков, Ориф Хамраевич

Annotation: The rapid development of the fundamental sciences and especially physics, has caused the appearance of a number of scientific works aimed at solving many problems that arose in connection with the discovery of the fact that the universe around us is not only richer than expected, but also more complicated. This work presents a number of theses on scientific concepts, especially physical ones, their formation and application in the scientific research field.

Keywords: physical concept, measurement methods, experimental data, harmonious theory, Newtonian mechanics, Einstein's theory, reality, extent of concepts, scientific hypothesis, relativistic interpretation, boundaries of extent, postulates.
