Voxobjonov, I. S. O. G. L., Po’Latova, N. S. Q., Obidov, D. Z. O. G. L., & Umarjonova, G. N. M. Q. (2022). LAZER NURLANISH TA’SIRIDA POLY (L-LACTIC ACID) MATERIALIDAGI KIMYOVIY O’ZGARISHLAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and socia

Author: Voxobjonov, Ismoil Shuhrat O’G’Li; Po’Latova, Nozima Sobitxon Qizi; Obidov, Diyorbek Zafar O’G’Li; Umarjonova, Gulira’No Murodjon Qizi.

Annotation: The article deals with the use of laser radiation for the induction of surface melting and resolution of a polymer material. The effect of laser radiation on surface morphology, crystallinity and chemical modifications has been studied by optical microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

Keywords: XPC measurement, PLLA degradation, profiles, binding energies, photochemical reactions, quantum profitability, chemical modifications.
