Xalilov, M. S. (2021). PURKAGICHLARNI ISHCHI SUYUQLIK SARFINI NOMOGRAMMA ORQALI NAZARIY ANIQLASH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 393-399.

Author: Xalilov, M. S.

Annotation: Based on the author's nomogram, based on the rate of chemical processing of one hectare of land, the actual values of the operating speed and working width of the unit are determined by its liquid flow rate per minute, and based on this, the basic processing rate. fluid flow rate per minute The diameter and number of fluid outlets are easily identifiable and the work done to implement them on farms is described.

Keywords: garden, sprayer, working fluid, decomposing trinity, nomagram, drawing, fluid consumption, productivity.
