Xalimova, D. J. (2021). BEL OG ‘RIQLARI BILAN BOG ‘LIQ KASALLIKLAR VA ULARNI DAVOLASHDA ABU ALI IBN SINONING QO ‘LLAGAN USULLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 1058-1062.

Author: Xalimova, Dilrabo Jalilovna

Annotation: Abu Ali ibn Sina has written about several treatment options for back pain as well as many diseases. The main work of Avicenna’s life was medicine. At the age of 16, he is invited to self-treatment by the Emir of Bukhara. Since then, Avicenna has been a palace healer of many Eastern rulers. It is not surprising that contemporaries called him “the Prince of doctors”.

Keywords: lung tube, scoliosis, miositis, back pain
