Author: Norboyev, Baxtiyor G‘afforovich
Annotation: This article analyzes the relationship between the Singapore Convention on International Commercial Arbitration and national courts, the legal basis and procedure for their activities, differences and similarities at the stage of procedural consideration of cases. The advantages of the practical experience of developed foreign countries in improving relations between national courts and international commercial arbitration are studied. This article, as a doctrinal study, contains an analysis of legislative acts and scientific and theoretical sources. It examines the scientific concepts of the industry, views, conclusions and opinions of theoretical scientists. A comparative legal analysis of the legislation concerning international commercial arbitration and the National judicial System was also carried out. Suggestions and recommendations were also made to improve the legislation and activities of International Commercial Arbitration.
Keywords: Singapore Convention, arbitration, mediation, commercial arbitration, national courts, International commercial Arbitration, investment, decision, execution.
Pages in journal: 1042 - 1053