Xamidova, D. (2021). KOREYS TILIDAGI O ‘ZLASHMA SO ‘ZLARNING ETIMOLOGIK VA SEMANTIK XUSUSIYATLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 278-284.

Author: Xamidova, Dilnavoz

Annotation: The borrowed words are available in all the languages of the world. They consist of the lexemes, phrases, idioms, or phraseologies, generally originating from a foreign language as a result of close ties, commercial affairs, globalization, colonization, and when they are assimilated into another language, the content of these words can be changed. This article discusses some neologisms that have arisen as a result of the intrinsic characteristics of the Korean language and borrowings from other foreign languages, as well as their etymology and semantics.

Keywords: assimilation, etymology, Korean language, lexeme, borrowed words, neologism.
