Xodjayev, A. A. (2021). XORIJIY VALYUTA BOZORIDA TO’LOV TIZIMI JARAYONLARINI TEZKORLIGINI TA’MINLASH ORQALI UNING SAMARADORLIGIGA ERISHISH MEXANIZMLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 863-868.

Author: Xodjayev, Amirxon Akramovich

Annotation: The article examines the mechanisms for achieving the efficiency of the payment system in the foreign exchange market by ensuring its efficiency among commercial banks, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the country. Based on the research conducted, conclusions were drawn.

Keywords: payment system, foreign exchange market, fast payments, foreign currency, digitalization, cashless payments, payments, SWIFT, transaction
