Xo’Jaxonov, Z. Z. (2021). TOR TEBRANISH TENGLAMASI UCHUN KOSHI MASALASINI NUQTAGA NISBATAN SIMMETRIK KO’CHIRIB, DALAMBER USULI ORQALI YECHISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 507-511.

Author: Xo’jaxonov, Zaylobiddin Zokirovich

Annotation: In this work, when solving equations of mathematical physics through the Cauchy problem, it was shown that by solving symmetric transfers of functions given in some complex form to a point, long-term calculations can be obtained by short-term calculations

Keywords: equation of narrow vibrations, Cauchy problem, point, symmetric, Dalembert method, narrow, physics.
